Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 2 Fabricated Seashells

Week 1 Fabricated Seashells

Fabricated Seashells

One major assignment that we are going to do for sculptor class through the semester for a course of ten weeks is collecting objects and documenting them. We are required to collect a minimum of 33 objects unless the professor tells us otherwise and document these objects three times a week by taking photographs.The objects that I have chosen for this project is seashells, because ever since I was a little girl I have had a fondness of going to the beach, lake, or even stores collecting seashells.

However, my professor Mrs. Willcock wants me to have 100 fabricated seashells. So instead of having real seashells I have made 100 ceramic shells. In which I made them look like seashells that I have collected over the years. So after baking all the ceramic shells I spray painted them with colors of white and red, this gave all the shells a pink and white look to them. Also the spray paint gave the ceramic seashells a glossy look, making them look more like real seashells. Some of the ceramic shells do have drops of green on them because I wanted to try green spray paint as well, but I didn't like the effect it had on them as much as the white and pink did. So for the course of the next 10 weeks I will be posting pictures of my ceramic seashells.

Hey you all!
So I am sorry about not posting anything lately. These piece are another part of project #1 we did in my sculptor class at Crafton Hills College. In which as a class we all had to choice three things to do from the website
The image on the left is assignment "# 56 Make a portrait of your friends desires". In which for this project I used my mother and I had her look through selected magazines of things she liked. Mainly my mom choice things such as outdoor pictures, food picture, coffee picture, different sign pictures that represent things, a chick with an egg picture, and a mickey mouse picture. These images are supposed to represent my mom as a person, and "I guess it kind of does!;D"
The image on the right is assignment "#32 Draw a scene from a movie that mad you cry." So my immediate thought when I saw this one was picking to draw the scene from "Pride and Prejudice" when Mark Darcey returns to Elizabeth Benette at the very end. It is a very romantic scene, and I believe most women desire a man to come after them. I drew the scene when Elizabeth Benette takes Mark Darcey's hand after he declares the love he has for her.